Our goal is to support everyone who wishes to live a brighter life in the future through integrated technology and information in the fields of health, beauty, and medicine. We provide what is truly needed, provide information, contribute to society, and operate our business with sincerity.

Many Japanese people, especially those in their 40s and older, suffer from some kind of illness, such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatism, liver disease, etc. These diseases were originally called "diseases of the elderly," but when the rapid increase in patients was reported in the media, they became "adult diseases," and now, as the age of patients has become younger, they are called "modern diseases" or "lifestyle-related diseases." As the name suggests, these diseases are "diseases unique to the modern era whose causes stem from lifestyle habits.”

There is another definition of "modern disease. It is a disease that cannot be completely cured by modern medicine. In other words, there is no medicine for modern diseases. If there is no medicine, then what are people with hypertension and diabetes actually taking? What is medicine really?

Medicines used to treat illnesses are broadly classified into two categories, "causal treatment medicines" and "symptomatic treatment medicines," depending on their function.

"Causal therapy" is a method of removing the cause of the disease, such as suppressing the growth of bacteria that cause the disease, or supplementing a certain vitamin or iron with medicine in cases where the disease is caused by a deficiency of that vitamin or iron. "Symptomatic treatment" is a method of relieving the various symptoms and pain caused by the disease, rather than treating the disease itself.

This indirectly helps treat illnesses by relieving patients of pain and reducing physical exhaustion, but this is only a secondary, auxiliary treatment. "Symptomatic treatment" in modern Western medicine. Not only is it a temporary solution that does not fundamentally solve the illness, but it also comes with serious side effects. And most of the medical procedures we currently perform are "symptomatic treatment.”

It is true that chemical substances such as anti-cancer drugs, antipyretics, antihypertensive drugs, and steroids have been created out of a certain necessity. Like dynamite, they are not bad in themselves, but rather there is a problem with how they are being used. However, the idea that "all illnesses are caused by external attacking factors", which is the basis of symptomatic treatment, is clearly wrong. It is true that temporary relief may sometimes be necessary. However, suppressing the natural detoxification mechanism necessary for the survival of the body through drugs leads to the inhibition of the body's natural healing power. The aspect that toxins accumulate in the body, and this can worsen the condition when the next symptoms appear, is something that should never be ignored.

Eliminate the pain at the root of the illness.

ASIAS AWG ORIGIN(TM) / QPA(TM) vibration therapy device amplifies and removes the cause of pain inside the body at a quantum level. ASIAS Co., Ltd. will promote the importance of using AWG ORIGIN(R) / QPA(TM) to remove the root cause of pain and at the same time restore the immune healing power that is inherent in the human body, and will continue to think about “health."


Hamakita Chuo Bldg. #301, 150-1, Numa, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 434-0037 JAPAN
+81-53-424-8888 (Japanese Only)
20 million yen
Yasuhiro Nagata
Our Business
  • Development, design, sale and lease of medical and scientific equipment, and manufacture and sale of cosmetics and nutritional supplements supplemented with vitamins and other nutrients

License for the sale and rental of highly-regulated medical equipment